Building a HIGH FEE Practice
... In a LOW FEE Suburb
Does your practice suffer from low patient retention? Do patients leave, business drops off and you don’t know why? In this presentation, Dr. Moffet shares the principles he utilized to build a successful practice while charging high fees in a low fee suburb. Learn how to give your customers a reason for making price irrelevant.
Why is Dr. Moffet’s approach so successful where others have failed? Dr. Moffet has studied outside of dentistry and implemented the best customer service ideas back into his practice. This is not just another customer service course. Dr. Moffet presents a systemized analysis of the eight stages of a patient/dentist relationship. His simple system is easy to implement, with little or no cost and results can be seen immediately! Step outside of the box. Bring Dr. Moffet’s experience, enthusiasm and passion for the subject to your next meeting.
Five of the Biggest Mistakes I've Made
... and How to Avoid Them
Is the money coming in enough to cover the money going out? Are members of your team upsetting your ability to work well? Are your advertisements bringing in ‘tire kickers’… or quality new patients? In this thought provoking and insightful presentation, Dr. Moffet shares his top 5 lessons learned from 25 years growing and running a successful dental practice.
This is not just another North American dentist talking about his local experience. Dr. Moffet shares his global perspective based upon his dental and business experiences both Australia- and world-wide. These lessons learned both inside and outside of the dental field, when incorporated, will help you grow a stronger, more successful dental practice.
What's Being Said
... about Dr. Moffet's Presentations
“Dr Moffet presented a very challenging and stimulating presentation that made member dentists think deeply as to the future direction of Dental Practice Ownership in Australia and what the effect would have on individual dentist practice owners. He also explored the value of practice owner dentists selling to corporate entities. This opened up valuable discussion.
We confidently recommend Dr. Moffet as a well presented and fluent speaker who has a very deep knowledge of the issues involving Dental Practice Ownership and a person who is capable of capturing an informed audience.”
Mervin Saultry; Managing Director Dental Innovations Pty Ltd.